Sonntag, 21. Juni 2015

Markenbildung über Soziale Netzwerke. Verlage sind besonders gefragt

Markenbildung über Soziale Netzwerke.
Gerade Verlage müssen Ihre Medien-Power nutzen.


As marketers, we strive to communicate with consumers in the ways that they prefer. In fact, marketing is becoming increasingly consumer-driven. For example, with the rise of social media marketing, brands can communicate directly with their customers to develop products that sell, and consumers essentially become product “co-creators.” Today, 80% of online content is user-generated, and content will increasingly come from a customer’s peers. Marketers need advocates buzzing about their products as people increasingly receive information about brands from their social connections.

The big question is: How does a company acquire brand evangelists? Here, we’ll discuss how much an authentic, humanized brand voice matters in your quest to get people raving about you to all of their friends – not to mention form long-lasting brand-customer relationships built on a solid foundation of trust. Here are 11 key tips to help improve the way your brand communicates with consumers.

Read (Meaghan Moraes),

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